“To create my sculptures I use marine grade stainless steel that is cut on a band saw. The metal is then grinded down to smooth the edges. After this process, I sand the stainless steel from 50 to 400 grit and next buff it out with rouge. Then, I start to form the metal around organic objects and jigs that I previously created. When the metal reaches a form to my liking, I sand it out, polishing it again to achieve the mirror finish. The balances of my sculptures are strictly done on a trial and error basis. They are kinetic and move for several minutes with one touch. The pivoting point is a stainless steel bearing. I use geometric forms in space to interact with negative space, cre a ting movement of light and reflections of the surrounding area. My final products are timeless art pieces.”
Gary Traczyk attended Miami’s New World School of the Arts and an international program in Italy.
Monumental Sculptures are available