Artist Profile

Dale Reid | Canada

Artist Profile

Fara Thomas

In this digitalized world of pop art photography, Dale’s unique traditional monochromatic images contain elements of being a painting or graphite. The lack of color allows the viewer to focus on the variety of textures and the richness of interesting lines and shapes that engage in an elegant, visual synthesis in each photograph. Reid developed her artistic style with a strong focus on creating landscape images ranging from maritime to urban to industrial views. Today, her artwork is primarily created in the studio where she imbues botanical subjects with unimaginable personality and emotion. Dale has achieved international recognition through participation in solo and group exhibitions, receiving awards and having her artwork published in print and online. Dale M Reid is currently based in Toronto, Canada. As per the artist’s statement, Dale tells us about the “Mushroom Series” as: “My creative vision uses the mushroom’s bizarre and varied shape, alien textures and intricate detail combined with composition and lighting to present crisp images with a dose of abstraction. Abstraction makes them unique and opens them to multiple interpretations depending on the viewer’s imagination to use their personal memories and life experiences to build content. While reminiscent of Weston’s “Bell Pepper” series, my artistic vision and lighting skills create a powerful statement”.


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