Artist Profile

Juan Abuela | Cuba-USA

Artist Profile

Juan Abuela |Cuba-USA


Juan Abuela was born in Villa Clara, Cuba, 1974. Based in Miami since immigrating in 2005.
His work is focused on the interest of researching the inner world, what is not seen, the hidden, the mystical, the intangible. It emphasizes the importance of a necessary balance with its counterpart (the tangible, the appearance, the brightness, the color etc.) These “two Universes” must live together in a balanced way to function.
That is why, in his work, whether tri or two-dimensional, use elements and figurations that somehow represent this parallelism between these two worlds and thus reflect on different attitudes and behaviors that can create a conflict.
His works are the consequence of an intense passion for painting, design and carpentry. Using these attitudes, he appropriates different objects to discuss the subject as they are transformed, revealed, and stripped of their functions. They do not allow themselves to be used for what they have been conceived, and thus convey to us a message about the great importance of balancing matter and spirit.
“The Golder Drawer is made with Golden Radio as inspiration. The golden ratio or golden number is a drawing or plan widely used by architects, artists, designers, etc. to value the beauty of objects. My version “The golden drawer” represents this drawing, but sculpturally, showing a drawer which has the patterns of the golden ratio, leading us to reflect on the importance of our inner being, our thoughts, attitudes, secrets, etc. that we treasure inside the drawer of our soul must be as beautiful as what the drawing of the Golden Ratio” represents as per the artist.


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