Artist Profile

Sara Rayo

Artist Profile

Sara Rayo

My main inspiration comes from sacred geometry and geometric forms found in nature.”

In my most recent works, mysterious forms emerge over monochrome or colored backgrounds and surfaces. As I hand cut and bend the surface, I reveal various layers or levels, the interior, the secret to ourselves. A secluded space behind the surface, creating a third dimension and even shadow behind the folds. The surface seems to delve and dive into the interior of the paper which has now become sculpture. My main inspiration comes from sacred geometry and geometric forms found in nature, microscopic diatoms, flowers, fruit and leaves. The amazing correlation between the microscopic and macroscopic. How galaxies resemble our own human anatomy, rivers our own lungs. Artists and biologists who inspire me: Ernst Haeckel, Karl Blossfeldt, Hilma af Klint, Emma Kunz, Georgia O’Keefe, Louise Nevelson, Dorothea Rockburne, and Argentinian artist, Julio LeParc.

By investigating into the microscopic forms of diatoms and other imperceptible creatures of the ocean I have discovered a whole other realm of geometry that spans the smallest atom to the most remote galaxies in our universe. There is a correlation between the microscopic and the macroscopic which I have found to be geometry. Pi, the golden ratio and the 7 platonic solids and other geometric forms appear throughout our world and it is infinitely inspiring and majestic. By finding these forms in nature I am moved to create my own creatures based on the beauty of the geometry found inherent in our world. Through the layers I create in my work, which intertwine within each other, there is a constant search for geometry, pattern, chaos, perfection and imperfection. There is a poetic tension between the organic and chaotic, the sharpness and precision, as well as a contemplative serenity as you look into each interior, something familiar, as we look into ourselves. Or, even, as we open ourselves to other people, strangers and even our closest loved ones. There is a majestic beauty between ourselves as humans and our geometric, even atomic composition. We are all vibration.

My most recent body of work impacts and intrigues because of its search for perfection and imperfection, geometry and form, its three-dimensionality and stillness, a mystery and reality of a vulnerable surface that has been extruded, pressed, forced and created.


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