Artist Profile

Sutton | Mexico

Artist Profile

Sutton 00000

Logs, balls, threads…anything goes. They are fearless.

Time pauses in order to be contemplated over and over again. A splash of water is frozen between the clouds. Printed on thick, hand cut cotton threads, tones and hues that resemble the different states of water. Before it fades a black line cuts the threads symmetry in order to create a relaxed atmosphere and harmony within the space, reflecting the warmth and minimal clarity of the piece.
Art Works are limited edition pieces (series of 10) which combine the experience of Nat and Salo Sutton of more than 13 years of working together. Their work combine different arts: photography, painting, sculpture and cinematography. They are installations that invite us to see beyond the frame. Pieces that impact, demanding closer attention and telling us “look at me closely, here I am, I am not a static image.” I am so much more …
This couple of restless photographers search for a subject or a space to take the photograph. They intervene it, paint it, print it on metal, or tear a piece of canvas and insert corks underneath. They cut it out, distort and make it new. They either add elements or remove them, recreating it. It´s not only a painting but also a sculpture.
What used to be performance, they convert it into an installation.
Logs, balls, threads…anything goes. They are fearless. They distort the pictures until they achieve what they wish to represent. In Art Works the photos are intervened with metal, paint, cork and threads. They are cut, ripped, cut some more, disassembled, then rebuilt and transformed. There are moments to take chances and others to be cautious, but only an artist understands what each work calls for.


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