Ty Joseph, born Tal Ezra Joseph in Hamburg, Germany, grew up in Kfar Saba, Israel. After his service in the Israel Navy, he relocated to the US in the mid-2000s and changed his name to Ty Joseph in the process. At first, he toured the US as a musician and eventually settled in Los Angeles. In LA, Ty obtained a degree in liberal studies at California State University Northridge, established a career in real estate and developed his involvement in the zestful nightlife of Hollywood. In 2016, he returned to his early passion for painting, starting a successful career as a visual artist. While his artwork is influenced by Pop Art, with bold, eye-catching depictions, Ty’s paintings incorporate original and attractive elements that enhance his exquisitely and elegant style. By applying symbolic and subtle insinuations which often deal with social interaction, Ty reveals his motivation for creating and defining his identity as an artist. Ty works from his residence in Hollywood, California. About his first Art Book, The Meaning of L, Ty Joseph has said: “At some point, you come to realize that biographies are very subjective. I would want my biography to be the first letter of my birth city – which is H, and the first letter of my adoptive city, which is L. There is much one can paint just from that.” He points out: “Accompanying the use of distinct colors, I infuse a sense of identity into my work with my signature sweeps of L-shaped patterns. When viewed from a distance, these patterns create an illusion of unity that, upon closer inspection, reveals a much more complex, multi-faceted image, much like the idea of individuality itself.”
From Ty Joseph’s photographic project Exposures: “Being interesting is the greatest gift someone can have; It means they are inspiring. People will always be an essential source of inspiration for me. It can be anything they do, such as the way someone sneezes or records their voicemail greeting. Then there are the more intrinsic things, such as beauty, clothes, what he says, or she does. It’s hard to define what is interesting, but there are so many kinds of interesting that this is hardly required. Exposures’ mission is to create interesting content without the gimmick… I am mainly interested in people I know, or I almost know… I’ve met a lot of people …I’m still always looking for someone new and interesting for inspiration …Los Angeles is such a great place to meet interesting people. It’s a city that attracts the best talkers, doers, beauties and the very intense of everything! Going out in Los Angeles is like no other thing …Ever since I was twelve years old I’ve been going out, but only recently I started to really make something out of it. With the help of technology, I can now take great pictures on my phone at night …I am an artist that feels the need to be working even when a painting is not accessible. So I use photography as a tool to document my experience when I socialize …it helps me communicate and to engage with people I find interesting …through social media, anyone in the world can see the people I see and get inspired. Exposures are not just about my experience. It is an effort to collectively share experiences that are somewhat linked to a common ground, such as the nightlife scene or the art scene, something that is currently happening. And if someone decides that they want to be a part of it they can. They can see who’s involved and where things are. They can then think up how they can be interesting and inspiring to others.”
Celebrated by private collectors and art enthusiasts, Ty Joseph has exhibited with established and emerging artists. In 2018, Gloria Delson Contemporary Arts Gallery, GDCA, hosted his first solo exhibit. In 2019, presented by Contemporary Art Projects USA at Santa Fe Art Fair, a bold-eye signature sweeps of L-shaped patterns are a prominent view in the sophisticated large painting Chanel by Ty Joseph that, with intensity and subtle humor, merges social and human themes rising beyond the Contemporary.
For more information visit: http://www.artsantafe.com
About Contemporary Art Projects USA: Headquartered in Miami, Contemporary Art Projects USA is dedicated to nurturing new contemporary art by providing exhibition opportunities and resources for emerging artists and curators. Their mission is focused on promoting art appreciation within the international community, to inspire and assist with the process of the art collection, and to generate resources that support artists’ creative endeavors through art awareness, artist promotion, and art procurement. They work with the best minds in the industry and share their experience and passion for marketing the arts, culture, and entertainment. From Biennials and gala auctions to exhibitions and major international art fairs, Contemporary Art Projects USA has the experience, innovation, and creativity to engage audiences through inspired campaigns.
For more information contact:
Contemporary Art Projects USA Tata Fernandez, Director
info@contemporaryartprojectsusa.com www.contemporaryartprojectsusa.com